Professional Drone Consulting

Suggestions for drone-related marketing activities

2024. május 20. 16:27 - Dr. SÁNDOR Zsolt

Several posts in the public media show UAS operators promoting their services or presenting their activities using unmanned aerial systems. The following tips are for UAS operators who share pictures, videos, and information about their services and activities on social media, irrespectively they would like to advertise or introduce themselves.


First and utmost :

Photo and video documentation about properly and regularly performed missions should only be uploaded!


What are necessary for the proper and regular missions?

  • Registered UAS operator.
  • Registered UAS.
  • Valid insurance.
  • Proper marking of UAS operator ID and the unique UAS ID on the UAS.
  • Appropriate remote pilot competencies.
  • When somebody wants to make a post about a mission that is outside the OPEN category, the UAS operator should have an operation authorisation for the given mission. Missions like spraying activities, missions with UAS over 25 MTOW, BVLOS missions or missions over an assembly of people are specific category operations.
  • Consider airspace restrictions at the given location.
  • Use of airspace "booking" or "information" application.
  • Ensuring safe operational location and guaranteeing the safety of uninvolved people.
  • Planning of the mission and provision of the connected valid documents (e.g. mission plan, risk assessment, designated temporary airspace, spraying plan, submissions, etc.).
  • Obey the rules regarding the given mission—the rules of the OPEN category, or in case of a specific category operation, the operator should obey the instructions of the operation manual.
  • Compliance with data protection provisions.


It is worth following the rules, as they can guarantee safe operation and also protect against negative legal consequences.

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